Tips and Tricks for buying the right sunnies for the Aussie Summer
The right pair of sunglasses is an essential piece of summer kit, but choosing the right pair is about more than just style. Good sunglasses perform an essential function, protecting your eyes from harsh ultraviolet rays and sunlight. In this article, you'll find all the essentials for choosing a pair that's right for you.
What style of sunglasses should you choose?
Fashion spectacles come in an ever evolving range of styles and types, but not all spectacles are created equal. Beyond Australian standards for sunglass classification, it's also important to choose sunglasses that are close fitting to your face and wrap right around providing optimal protection.
Now, wrap around aren't always the most fashion forward, but they do provide the best protection, so try and balance style with necessity.
Knowing your face shape can also help in choosing sunglasses that both protect you from ultraviolet light and look good at the same time. If you're not sure which shape face you have, see Just Sunnies Coolangatta for advice in choosing well-fitting frames.
Can't you just wear a hat?
A broad brimmed hat does provide some protection from UV rays. But a good pair of sunglasses and a hat can provide up to 98% protection. By all means take a hat with you on outdoor adventures. Just be sure to pack some good sunglasses as well.
How do you avoid sunglass tan?
The best way to avoid sunglass tan is to choose quality, good fitting sunglasses that are right for you. It's also essential that you protect your skin with sunscreen when going outside. Sunglasses might protect your eyes from UV radiation, but it's only part of a good sun protection regime that includes wearing sunscreen and a hat.
What are the Aussie standards? By law, all sunglasses sold in Australia must be tested according to an Australian and New Zealand standard known as AS/NZS 1067:2003 Sunglasses and Fashion Spectacles.
This standard helps you understand the effectiveness of sunglasses in protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. Here's a quick breakdown of each of the categories.
- Category 0: fashion spectacles only provide limited to no protection from UV and low reduction in sun glare. These are not sunglasses.
- Category 1: Like category 0 these are not sunglasses however they may provide a small amount of protection from UV and sun glare.
- Category 2: When shopping for actual sunglasses, Category 2 is the minimum you should consider. Category 2 provide good UV protection and moderate reduction in sun glare.
- Category 3: Good UV protection and improved reduction in sun glare. Category 3 sunglasses are an all-around improvement over category 2.
- Category 4: While category 4 sunglasses provide the highest level of protection they are generally used in special purposes and circumstances. You should not wear them while driving.
Does the EPF (Eye Protection Factor) matter?
Some sunglasses come with an EPF factor. This is a easy of how well the sunglasses block UV radiation. The higher the number the better, with a rating if 0-15 providing excellent UV protection.
Are sunnies really necessary?
There are a number of risks associated with exposing your eyes to prolonged sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. Sunglasses are essential for minimising these risks. Consider the following problems associated with exposure to UV.
Degeneration of the retina
After prolonged exposure to UV the retina of the eye can degenerate. Studies have shown that exposure to UV on the wavelength 315-400 could lead to increased risk of retinal degeneration.
Eye inflammationEye inflammation may occur after extended exposure to the sun. The inflammation occurs predominantly on the surface of the eye and can lead to irritation and reduced sight.
Permanent and severe injury or disease.
Permanent injuries and disease associated with ultraviolet exposure include:
- Cataracts
- Pterygium, which is abnormal tissue growth over the eye
- Eyelid cancers similar to skin cancers
- Permanently impaired vision
If you have concerns with any of the above; Outlook Eye Specialists Coolangatta can provide you with an expert eye test to assess how damage to your eyes might be corrected and provide advice.
Do I need polarisation?
Polarised sunnies do help cut down on glare, but they're only really necessary if you spend a lot of time in high glare environments and situations, like out on the water.
Are there any risks to wearing sunglasses?The biggest concern comes down to choosing sunglasses that don’t meet the AS/NZS 1067:2003 standard. Wearing sunglasses that don't meet this standard increases your risk of damage from UV radiation.
There are also sunglasses that reduce your ability to see in low light levels, such as dawn and dusk, or make it harder to distinguish colour while driving. These are generally rated category 1 or category 4.
Talk to the experts
If you're not wearing sunglasses during the summer then you're at risk. But it might not be enough to just pop down the petrol station and grab a pair. If you want sunglasses that fit well, are up to standard and look great then you need to talk with the experts at Just Sunnies Coolangatta. With over 50 brands in stock, there's a style for every.