Find the perfect pair of sunglasses for your face shape - The Strand at Coolangatta
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Find the perfect pair of sunglasses for your face shape

Find the perfect pair of sunglasses for your face shape

on 14 October 2015 in General News

Making sure your sunglasses are the right size and shape for your face will ensure they fit correctly and look good!

What's your face shape?
Oval: you have balanced features and your chin is slightly narrower than your forehead.
Round: a soft, circular shaped face with less defined angles. Width and length are almost equal.
Heart: your forehead is broader than your jawline and chin.
Square: generally the same length and width across the face, your forehead, cheeks and jawline have strong, well-defined angles.
Oblong: your face is long and narrow, with few angles.
Diamond: with a narrow jawline and forehead, cheekbones are the widest part of your face.

What’s your style?
Oval: lucky you! Oval faces can wear almost any sunglass style – just keep proportion in mind and try not to go too big or too small for your face.
Round: avoid curved features while emphasising angular lines to help elongate your face. Oversized, rectangular and angular frames will set off any roundness in your face.
Square: soften strong features by choosing sunnies with soft lines or rimless edges, such as aviators or butterflies.
Oblong: oversized sunglasses work well, as do larger wayfarer or rectangular lenses or thick frames. Try styles such as wrap, shield or square and avoid small frames as these exaggerate face length.
Diamond: choose sunnies with gentle curves that are no wider than your cheekbones. Oval and rimless sunnies work well.
Heart: opt for shades that draw attention downward, to add width to the lower part of the face. Shades with wide lower edges with no straight lines along the top will work well. Try the shield, butterfly, rimless or aviator styles.

Style guide:
Aviators: featuring metal frames and teardrop lenses, these stylish frames suit most face shapes.
Butterfly: with its over-sized lenses, the butterfly is your go-to for a chic, glamorous look. Best suited to oval, square and heart faces.
Rectangle: with a frame that is wider than it is tall, this versatile shape looks best on oval, oblong and round faces.
Semi-rimless: best suited to oval and heart faces.
Shield: these shades have a single, large lens and suit oval, round, heart and oblong faces. 
Square: square shapes can help balance out a round or oblong face and also suit oval faces.
Wrap: ideal for athletes, the lightweight frame feels like you’re not wearing anything at all. Best suited to round, oblong and oval faces.
Wayfarer: this classic, timeless style suits most face shapes.

Now you know which sunnies are best for you, head into Just Sunnies for a new pair. With over 50 different brands in stock, you're spoilt for choice!