Healthy Eating Tips
on 07 October 2015 in General News
Eat this. Don't eat that. Feeling confused? Sometimes it's hard to know what to eat at all! Here are a few foods you can't go wrong with:
- Almonds: whether you sprinkle them on your cereal, add to a stir-fry, or savour as a snack, almonds are a great source of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein and fibre.
- Yoghurt: rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, yoghurt is not your average dairy food. Drizzle over fruit, add to a smoothie, or enjoy as a snack to keep the hunger pains at bay.
- Banana: need a pick-me-up? Step away from the lolly jar and grab a banana for a natural energy boost. This handy snack also helps maintain healthy blood pressure, provides prebiotics and is high in dietary fibre and low in calories.
- Peanut butter: yes you can eat healthily and still enjoy your favourite peanut butter on toast! Peanut butter is a well balanced food, providing a serving of carbohydrates for energy, long lasting satisfaction from protein and feeling-full from a serve of heart-healthy fat. Plus, it's delicious!
- Sweet potato: bursting with antioxidant beta carotene, sweet potato also contains Vitamin C and is a good source of Vitamin E. For a Shepherd's Pie with a difference, swap potato for sweet potato – you'll love the sweet, buttery flavour.
- Eggs: however you like your eggs – boiled, scrambled, poached, fried, or omelette, the good news is you can enjoy up to six eggs per week as part of a balanced, healthy diet. Eggs are well known for their high protein content and low saturated fat content, they are also great for naturally stabilising your blood sugar levels, helping prevent you from crashing later in the day. So they're the perfect breakfast food!
- Chia seeds: a tiny seed packed with goodness, chia seeds are low in fat and high in protein, fibre, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Sprinkle on your cereal or add to a smoothie for a power-packed breakfast.
- Salmon: one of the highest sources of omega 3 fatty acids that boosts HDL (good cholesterol) while reducing LDL (bad cholesterol), which means it may help prevent coronary heart disease. Enjoy salmon in your stir-fry, sushi or on your sandwich.
- Beef: feeling tired and struggling to get through the day? You may be low in iron. Beef contains 12 essential nutrients including protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins and is the highest source of iron on the average dinner plate.
- Carrot sticks: how's your eye sight? High in fibre and vitamins, carrots are well known for their eye sight benefits, and they make a great snack! Enjoy with a tasty dip such as hummus or pesto.
Looking for more healthy eating advice? Visit Great Ideas in Nutrition, they can provide diet and exercise prescriptions for all conditions and will work with you to help you achieve your health goals.